Evaluation Research - Theories and Methods - SIMM29
This course gives the student hands on practice in how to develop an evaluation and how and why it is important to ground evaluation on a logical foundation.
Train both your practical and theoretical skills
The course gives an overview of different available evaluation strategies and related scientific methodological approaches within the broad field of evaluation research.
The course will discuss:
- what differentiates evaluation research from other types of social scientific research?
- what are the requirements for a scientifically based evaluation?
- what are the relation between evaluation results/evaluators and the political and social context where they will be used?
- which are the key questions in evaluation research and how do they relate to the fields where the evaluations are applied and utilized?
Major emphasis is placed on the development of an evaluation plan and in understanding how different theoretical approaches and methodological strategies may influence the final evaluation results. As part of the development of an evaluation plan the student will train to build relevant evaluation questions, consider if and when a qualitative, quantitative or combination of approaches is more appropriate and create realistic research schedules to produce evaluation results that can be timely produced.
Online course platform
This course uses Canvas as the online course platform. The course platform will be opened one week before the course begins to all students who were accepted. Here you will be able to access literature, assignments, announcements, as well as participate in discussions and communicate with teachers.
The course schedule can be found under the course information on the right. Please note that the final version of the schedule will be made available four weeks before the course begins, and changes may occur until that point. A more detailed schedule will be available on the course platform on Canvas.
Excerpts from student evaluations
“From this class, I truly have the knowledge about qualitative and quantitative approaches…the course outcomes (allowed) me to understand …evaluation approaches, for instance formative-summative, process-outcome and so on”
“As a whole, I enjoyed the course a great deal. The range of topics, theories and methods discussed related to evaluation were made enjoyable by well-conducted lectures and excellent literature.”
About the course
Next course period:
2025-05-05 to 2025-06-08
Course schedule:
List view | Calendar view