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How to submit your thesis

A step-by-step guide

As current student you will receive up-to-date information from your programme coordinators via information meetings and on the Graduate School Thesis Portal on Canvas. If you are a former student who have not yet handed in your thesis, we hope you will find all information you might need on these pages. We are looking forward to receiving your thesis!


1. Contact your supervisor

You might want to get in touch with your former supervisor before submitting your thesis, even though you might not have had contact for some time. Please note that the supervisors are not required to read your whole thesis before submission, they should however be informed.

2. Contact Graduate School

We would like to know beforehand if you plan on submitting your thesis or not. You need an active LU student account in order to submit, and therefore may need to be re-registered for your thesis course. You will also need to be given access to the Graduate School Thesis Portal on Canvas in order to submit. That is why we always have a deadline for notification roughly 10 days before submission. Notify us of your intent to submit by filling out the Status Update Webform by the deadline specified. If you do not have an active student account and are thinking about submitting in the next examination, we appreciate if you get in touch with your thesis coordinator as soon as possible so we can register you and give you Canvas access!

The notification is not binding, i.e. you can still submit even if you did not notify and vice versa. Your notification helps us plan for the examination seminars and allows us to renew your registration and give you access to the Thesis Portal in good time before submission. Please note that the Canvas Thesis Portal is used for posting important specifics or changes to any given submission, so it is in your best interest to receive early access to the Canvas platform so that you can stay up-to-date on any new information.

3. Submit your thesis!

On the day of the submission you should hand in one (1) paper copies of your thesis before 11 am. You will also need to upload a pdf-version to Thesis Portal on Canvas.

If you cannot be in Lund to hand in your thesis, you can send a friend to hand it in for you. You can also send it by post but it must have reached the Graduate School Office by the deadline 11 am. The postal address is: Graduate School, Faculty of Social Sciences, Box 117, SE-221 00 Lund.

4. Wait for the thesis seminar schedule

Once you submit your thesis the Graduate School administration will be working hard on coordinating the thesis seminar schedule. You must insure that you can be available during normal Swedish business hours (8-17) during the entire period for which your seminars are slated. Re-scheduling is not an option; failure to attend an  examination seminar counts as an incomplete course. We have to consider the examiners, the different majors and the localities, therefore we cannot consider individual requests for specific dates. Therefore, please refrain from making travel plans that cannot be changed until the thesis examination schedule is published!

You will receive an email from your thesis coordinator about your own seminars and opposition assignments; the schedule will be posted on the Thesis Portal on Canvas as soon all the seminars have been booked. Please note that you could be defending your thesis on one day, and doing an opposition on another. While you wait for the schedule, you can start preparing for your own seminar presentation.

5. Attend the thesis seminars

Guidelines for the thesis examination seminars can be found on the Thesis Portal on Canvas. The thesis seminars are open to the public and we encourage students to join all seminars in their group. The examination seminars are usually a lot more enjoyable when a group of students participate. It can also mean a lot for the author and the opponent to have the support of their peers.

6. Receive your grade

The teacher has 15 working days to decide on a grade and report it to Graduate School. Most likely, you will know if you pass or fail right after the seminar, but this is not always the case. When you have received a passing grade, you may take a few days to make minor corrections (spelling and grammar) and then upload your thesis in LUP Student Papers. Please note that reporting the thesis grade in Ladok includes several steps and might therefore take a few days to process.


Upcoming thesis submissions

August 2024: Online only

Aug 8:  Confirm your plans to submit by filling out the Status Update webformThis form opens on July 29.

Aug 15: Final submission deadline: upload on Canvas by 12 p.m. (noon) Swedish time.

Aug 26-30: Thesis examination seminars (on Zoom)


January 2025: Online only. Exact dates TBA

Mid December: Confirm your plans to submit by filling out the Status Update webformThis form opens ca Dec 1.

Early January: Final submission deadline: upload to Canvas by 12.00 p.m. (noon) Swedish time

Jan 15-17: Thesis examination seminars (on Zoom)